The journey had been long and hard. They had been traveling for almost a week. As they walked the last several miles to Bethlehem, Mary was concerned whether they would arrive before her labor started. She had prayed since before the journey began that they would arrive before the baby came. There had been many concerns on her mind over the long days of travel.  Would there be a comfortable place for them to stay?  Would there be relatives or, at least, older women she knew there to help her through the birth? She was young and healthy, but she knew that childbirth was hard and full of risks. 

She reflected on the unexpected and strange turn her life had taken not that many months ago. She wondered what the future would look like for her, Joseph, and this precious baby… this anointed baby. She was so grateful for the time she’d spent with Elizabeth early in her pregnancy.  She knew she had no way to repay her for her love, understanding, and support.

She had no idea what to expect – not tomorrow when they arrived in Bethlehem, not once this baby arrived, and not over the next several years as she and Joseph raised their son.  The only thing she knew for sure was that God had shown her immense favor and that He was with her.


By Debbie Fuller

Debbie Fuller

Debbie Fuller

Debbie Fuller and her husband, Rocky are long time Commonway members and Yorktown natives. Debbie serves on Commonway’s ministry, women’s, and missions teams. She loves learning, reading, being outdoors, and spending time with her family.

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