Welcome to Commonway’s Online Good Friday Experience for 2020.
As we prepare to celebrate Easter, we pause to remember the sacrifice and suffering of Christ on Good Friday. It is important to slow down and walk the road with Him through a tradition known as Stations of the Cross. There are many versions of this meaningful process taking place in different denominations across the world.
This is a self-guided experience. Choose from either the Standard Version or the Fully Narrated version.
As you begin, there is a small list of ‘supplies’ you will want to have handy. You should expect this journey to take between 45 minutes and an hour (depending on your individual pace).
School-age children will be able to participate in their own level of understanding. Parents may want to do the stations on their own and then a second time with their children. (We have nothing but time, right?!)
Please share this invitation with your family, friends, and social media. So many are not able to participate in stations due to social distancing. We are very thankful for our team of volunteers who made this virtual experience possible.
– The file may take a few moments to load
– Once loaded, at the top of your browser, click “Start Slide Show”
– As you complete each step/slide, click anywhere to advance to the next slide
– When you have finished the journey, would you please leave a comment at the bottom of this page as this will serve as our Guest Book for 2020
Choose a Stations of the Cross Experience
Sign Our Guestbook
Leave your name in the comments below to let us know that you participated.
Thank you Commonway for taking the time to create an at home experience of Stations of the Cross for us to remember Jesus on this Good Friday.
I thoroughly enjoyed your Lenten Stations of the Cross presentation. it was very thought provoking and humbling to participate in it. Our daughter Carrie Thompson invited us to join her as she participated in it. I will remember this for a long time. Thank you for your preparation and sharing about Jesus’ death. I would normally be singing in our church choir for Good Friday service but due to the virus our service is on line at 7:30.
Thank you. Madelyn Ferris
Thanks to you all for this inspiring Stations of the Cross.
Thank you for this..nicely thought provoking for this, Good Friday.
Thankful for this day of isolation to experience this on a more personal level.
Beautiful. Thank you, Commonway.
Thank you for allowing us all to stop, reflect and remember the details of the day that changed everything.
Thank you for this service!
Thank you for this beautiful, humbling experience.
Thank you very much, Commonway, for making it possible for us to go on this journey with you today!
Thank you for giving us a tangible way to remember God’s sacrifice for us.
Thank you for providing the Stations of the Cross for my girls and I to experience.
Deeply moved, beautiful. Thank you so much.
Thank for helping us to focus on this remembrance.
Thank you for an inspiring experience
Thank you! I was able to experience this with my mom and youngest daughter. We all needed the reminder of what today is about.
Thank you CW for providing this meaningful experience for today. Blessings to you all.
Thank you. Very well done for a “virtual” Stations of the Cross experience. Beautifully and deeply meaningful. Blessings!
Kyle, Brooke, Jacob and Charlotte Wagner
Simply beautiful and well done. It felt so good to calm myself and digest this. Thank you CW.
Very powerful!
Thank you for this time of reflection.
Thank you!
Thank you for this reflective and personally meaningful devotion.
Thank you Commonway
Thank you for creating this at home experience.
Thank you for this experience!
Thank you Commonway, for this and all you are doing during this Stay at Home period.
Thank you for this time of reflection.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you for this meaningful reflection during this very difficult time for us all.
We just finished this beautiful experience! We we dedicated this to the healing of the world from COVID19. Thank you so much for providing this for us. May God bless our world and restore it to good health.
Thanks for all the time and effort, it is a blessing to all.
Thank you!
I loved being able to still experience the stations this year. Thank you and God Bless, Tammy Underwood
Thank you!
Denise Bousman
Thank you for making this meaningful journey and reflection possible, even in the midst of our social distancing.
This was a super meaningful experience and doing it at home brought some new perspective and life to it this year! Thank you!
This was such a blessing and a beautiful experience. Thank you CW for all the hard work that went into creating this.
Thank you for this!
Beautiful and moving. Thank you for your hard work.
What a meaningful opportunity for worship and reflection. We are so grateful. Thank you CommonWay staff.
Thank you for this special sharing of the Stations of the Cross and the opportunity to reflect. Blessings and appreciation,
Debbie Shick
Doing this at home added a new depth of blessing…He used it for good.
Thank you Commonway family for this beautiful experience.
Very sobering.
First time to experience this. Very well done! Thank you!
Heavenly Father, thank you for this chance to meditate on your great, unfathomable love for me.
Thank you for doing this. Such a moving story and meaningful way to experience it.
Thank you for this.
Very well done , easy to follow. It allowed me to go where God would have me to reflect on how to better appreciate His sacrifice and eternal gift. Thank you!
Thank you for bringing us together reminding us that the trials we endure are important, but concentrating on others and praying for God’s will, not ours is the role model we seek to emulate.
Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Very powerful.
Thank you for giving us a way to experience this even during this “all things different” times! Well done!!!!
Thank you
Gary and I have just finished going through the Stations of the Cross. It has been a true blessing focusing on the death and burial, and preparation for the glorious Resurrection to soon come and celebrate. Thank you for providing this precious experience for us.
Thank you!
A very well done presentation, and we appreciated it very much. It is a wonderful way to teach the children. We are curious to know if the Commonway team wrote the reflections, application, and assembled the presentation. We know you are very capable in doing it. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for a wonderful way to fully grasp Good Friday.
Thank you for allowing us to be able to still experience Stations of the Cross in this unprecedented time in our lives and world. It was a great presentation and a nice way to reflect. Thank you Commonway!
Very meaningful. Thank you Commonwsy
Very meaningful. Thank you Commonway
Thank you for putting this together!
Thank you for this opportunity…for myself and those I shared it with.
Thank you so much for putting this experience together! As a family together, we were able to reflect on the death of our Saviour!
Much Love,
Matt, Mandy, Mason, Mariah, Makayla, and Max
Thank you all for the Lent posts leading up to Stations Of the Cross. Thank you for preparing and sharing Stations of the Cross.
Thank you. This was so well done and an excellent way to gain new appreciation for the story of Christ’s crucifixion.
Thank you. This time is also “sad,scary, and uncertain”.
Thank you for this sobering shared experience!
Fully known and fully loved by God!!!!
Thank you for bringing the stations of the cross into my house. This experience is always powerful no matter where we are. I appreciate that you made this happen. We wait together for Sunday.
Thank you!!
Such a powerful way to remember and reflect on what our Savior went through. It was especially helpful for me to think about his shame. And to see that I am Fully Known & Fully Loved by God.
Thank you for a meaningful experience
Thank you so much for this.
Thank you for this experience. I wish we could be together to rejoice on Easter. But, somehow this time is a gift to reflect on what really matters.
Thank you for providing a tangible way we could experience this from our homes.