Talk It Over

Talk It Over – Jonah 4

KEY SCRIPTURE Jonah 4 START TALKING As we wrap up Jonah, what are the major themes or lessons you see in this story? How would you describe this letter? Hopeful, frustrating, discouraging, mysterious? START SHARING As chapter 4 ends abruptly, we see that God seems to…
Adam Bouse
March 20, 2016
Talk It Over

Talk It Over – Jonah 3

KEY SCRIPTURE  Jonah 3 Also mentioned: Amos 8:4-5 Nahum 3:1-5 2 Peter 3:9 Matthew 12:38-41 START TALKING If you have been with us for this series, how has your understanding and perspective on the story of Jonah changed so far? START SHARING Chapter 3 is the…
Adam Bouse
March 13, 2016
Mission & ValuesMissionsService

Who Are Our Local Mission Partners?

This is a thank you card we recently received from Southside Middle School. Over the course of February, Commonway collected food and hygiene items, along with new or gently used clothing, to supply the "Panther Pantry," a new program at Southside focused on providing essential supplies…
Adam Bouse
March 10, 2016
Mission & ValuesMissions

Who Are Our Global Mission Partners?

Did you know that Commonway partners with organizations, locally and globally, to do good work, restore what is broken, and provide hope in tangible ways? In fact, we have committed to direct 10% of everything you give at Commonway back out to strategic partners, organizations, and…
Adam Bouse
March 9, 2016
Talk It Over

Talk It Over – Jonah 2

KEY SCRIPTURE  Jonah 2 START TALKING Do you have any spring break plans (if you have kids or are in school)? What are you looking forward to this month? START SHARING In Jonah 2, we see this eloquent, poetic prayer. Interestingly, each line of this…
Adam Bouse
March 6, 2016

What To Expect at the Women’s Retreat

Earlier this week, I sat down at Panera with the group in charge of Commonway’s women’s ministry. These four women--Gabriele, Cindy, Debbie, and Lisa--have been leading our church’s women’s Bible studies and fellowship groups for the past several months. I’ve been able to join them…
Liz Boltz Ranfeld
March 4, 2016
Talk It Over

Talk it Over – Jonah 1

KEY SCRIPTURE  Jonah 1 START TALKING We’re talking about Jonah 1. Matt pointed out that the writer of Jonah relies heavily on irony/humor to make his point. What are some ways people in our culture use humor/irony/satire to make a point? Can you think of any example (media,…
Matt Carder
February 28, 2016

2016 Women’s Retreat

The first-ever Commonway Women's Retreat is almost here! Do you long for an intimate relationship with Jesus? Come explore with us what it would be like to walk with him in your daily routine, welcoming him into the details of life. Experience Jesus in a…
Adam Bouse
February 23, 2016
Talk It Over

Talk It Over – Relate: “Every Opportunity”

KEY SCRIPTURE 2 Samuel 13; 14:23-24, 28; 15:6; 18:5, 29, 32-33; 19:4 Ephesians 5:15-16 "Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." START TALKING What is something that brought you joy,…
Adam Bouse
February 22, 2016