Being a disciple of Jesus means following him, learning from him, and becoming more like him. The definition of “Christian” is very broad, even conflicting at times, in our culture. What it means to be a disciple of Jesus, though, is much clearer. Through Jesus’ actions, teachings, and demonstrated in the life of the early church throughout the New Testament, we can quickly see how the life of a disciple will take shape.
As a church, one of our core values is Intentional Discipleship. We’ve described it this way:
Our success as a church isn’t defined by how many seats are filled on Sunday mornings; it’s defined by how the individuals in those seats are growing to be more like Jesus and trusting in the hope He provides. We are intentional about examining and growing in all aspects of our lives in response to the hope we’ve been given.
Discipleship isn’t a vague or general feeling though. After looking at the life and teachings of Jesus, we’ve landed on the seven questions, or “measures,” you’ll find below. To help us individually and collectively see where God is bringing growth in our lives, we ask ourselves these questions. We come back to them again and again as we aim at nothing short of becoming more like Jesus with each passing day.
Listen and share this message on what discipleship is and how these seven measures can help you see where God is growing you to be more like Jesus.
Matt Carder - September 13, 2015

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